Sunday, 2 September 2007

What else was I supposed to do if I did not want to be there but I was supposed to???? I just did something that allow me to be there being totally obvious but noticeable by none
What do I need??? What do I want???
I think I just wanted that he knew I went there but the rest of the people simply vanishes into the flames.

" ... a whisper ..."


Anonymous said...

Volviendo por estos lares. Viendo que algo de lo antiguo, las imágenes y las frases, está ahorita por aquí.

Vos fuiste el visitante de la pista con las sillas cierto? :P

vylia said...

Like a strange sentence. :)

Piko said...

jeje claro... las sillas era la clave... aunque parece ser que no soy suficientemente popular ;)